Get Ready for the Ucommerce for Kentico Master Classes

In this section we’ll cover what’s in the box before we start coding away. The solution is created so it resembles a “real life” Ucommerce project as close as possible.


The solution projects

The solution is built up from 3 different projects:

  • This will be used on the deep-dive part of the course primarily to create different extensions we will deploy to the website but also on the integration project when exploring the query APIs.
  • Console Application that can access the APIs and the Ucommerce data store. We will use this on the deep-dive part of the course when we explore the query APIs. This project has an assembly reference for the BusinessLogic project.
UCommerce.MasterClass.Website - a project where all resources for the site exists including:
  • Ucommerce configuration files to register custom components used for deep-dive
  • Webforms Pages and User controls to scaffold the webshop
  • A few javascript files and styles sheets including Bootstrap for bells and whistles ☺

The purpose of the project is to push extensions and modifications to the site.

The deploy tool

The deploy tool is used to push over all binaries, javascript files, style sheets, configuration files and more. The deploy tool is created as a powershell script
and will run every time you build the Website project. It’s set up as a post-build event for the website project.

You need to be sure the deploy tool is copying files to the right folder, so you need to update a variable in the script. Open the provided Master Class Solution. Make​ ​sure​ ​that​ ​visual​ ​studio​ ​runs​ ​in​ ​administrator​ ​mode.

Modify the $website_root variable found in “Deploy-Local.ps1” under the Deploy folder in top of the solution explorer. The variable needs to point to the root of your website (that’s the CMS-folder of the site, where the web.config resides).

That’s it! You’re now ready to become a Ucommerce Rockstar ☺


{{lineitem.VariantName}} - {{lineitem.Quantity}} x {{lineitem.FormattedPrice}} {{lineitem.FormattedPrice}}

Your cart is empty ;(
Total {{basket.FormattedProductsTotal}}